Astronauts & Musicians launch
Oct 4, 2024 – Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Today the Association of Space Explorers (ASE) and the University of California Television
(UCTV) launch the Earth Music Theater – superb 4K movies of Earth with glorious music,
delivered free on the web ( Astronaut movies of Earth from orbit,
combined with world-class music provide people with a free ticket to space and a mesmerizing
way to explore Earth and music.
Today, ASE (the international professional association of flown astronauts and cosmonauts
from 40 countries) begins a year-long series of movies, with one new movie each Friday. The
movies are created by ASE, in collaboration with creative musicians and movie-makers.
UCTV, the public-serving media outlet of the University of California with a global audience, will
feature these movies as part of their regular broadcast schedule, on their popular website
UCTV.TV and as playlist Earth Serenade ( on YouTube. Recognizing the
educational power of these movies, UCTV considers Earth + Music a new creative playground
and an extension to their popular Arts Channel.
We are thrilled to share these visually stunning, sound-rich movies with our audience. Few
people have the vantage point of these astronauts. These movies offer an opportunity to step
outside ourselves and experience Earth in a new and meaningful way," said Natalie Walsh,
executive director of UCTV.
Astronaut Leland Melvin says “With these movies, we invite humanity to join us in space,
observing our beautiful home planet. We’re thrilled to see and hear how these creative
musicians respond to our Earth photography.”
Musician Steve Thomas notes “I never tire of the majesty and awe these stunning visuals bring
to my creative being. All the wonder that comes to mind, the stunning visuals and a
catharsis for music that flows through me.”
These Earth Music movies are of superb quality, with 4K resolution, clear detail and accurate
colors. Each includes a dynamic globe with ISS location and flight path. The audio is
professionally mastered.
Our opening launch includes 5 movies, to spark the imagination:
• “Window on Earth” – 20 sample paths – Steve Thomas, Guitarscapes
• “Earth Chaconne” – Sahara to Italy – Qengzhu Weng, award-winning violinist
• “Joy of Flight & Music” – US East coast at night – Emily Amos, organist
• “Sunset Serenity” – Colorful sunset – Steve Thomas, Guitarscapes
• “Dona Nobis Pacem” – Earth night lights – BachFest Chorus, world-wide
Dona Nobis Pacem, released today (link below), offers a powerful global message. During Covid
2020, BachFest Chorale performed globally, with musicians all over the world, with ISS flying
view of night lights. Music and Earth show how we are all connected. Michael Maul, Artistic
Director for Dona Nobis Pacem, commented “The touching plea for peace at the end of this
movie is truly a moving message. We must care for Earth.”
Education Mission Specialist for ASE Dan Barstow, Director of the Earth Music Theater is central
to this creative effort. “I am not an astronaut, but watching these movies takes me right up to
space with them. I’ve used Earth photography to teach about Earth, but music is a game-
changer. People see Earth differently. Music reveals new insights and harmonies.”
ASE and UCTV make this announcement at the XXXV ASE Planetary Congress in Amsterdam, the
Netherlands. The source images for the movies are in the public domain, through NASA, Crew
Earth Observation, ESA, JAXA and other space agencies world-wide. Many of these movies were
taken by ASE members on the International SpaceAstronauts & Musicians launch